In a completely purple world, inhabited solely by triangular purple characters, a small orange circle arrives at school and immediately feels out of place. Through a blossoming friendship with a fellow pupil, he learns to overcome his feelings of inadequacy, anxiety and isolation.
● Peter Peake
● 4’
● UK
In a winter wonderland two friends are having a blast ice-skating on a frozen lake when suddenly a strange and unfamiliar world cracks open underneath them. Now they must learn how to deal with the other kind, not letting the fear and preconceptions rule.
● Ignas Meilūnas
● 12'
● Lithuania
Sevanik is a small dragon who lives in Lake Sevan and has only one friend, a fluffy cloud. The cloud follows Sevanik's every move and emotion. But one day, while exploring outside of the lake, Sevanik gets bitten by a mosquito. This event leads to unexpected changes in their lives and friendship.
● Harutyun Tumaghyan
● 7'
● Armenia
A cat café in the heart of Paris becomes a secret city hotspot as the cats open a jazz café in the middle of the night.
● Ottilie Collingridge
● 4'
● UK
Two characters discover an interesting new object, and learn about what it means to share.
● Michael Ruocco
● 5'
Rosa is a little flower fairy who always lived alone in her rosebush. More than anything she dreams of having a friend, but she is too scared to ever leave her bush.
● Karla Holmbäck
● 75'
● Denmark
Amazing animated short stories for children aged 2 and up, without dialogue.
● 55'
Short animated cartoons with four-legged heroes for children aged 6 years and above, without dialogue or dubbed in Greek.
● 67'