6 short films for ages 11+ with a total duration of 80 '
● 80'
6 short films for ages 8+ with a total duration of 70 '
In our time of uncertainty and anxiety, a teenage boy comes face to face with his fears and worries. Can he open his heart out to his classmates? Will they ignore him, help him or make fun of him?
● Ruth Beni, Daniel Greaves ● 8’ ● UK
An 11-year-old girl must stand up to her bullies, the rest of the girls in her village, and honor her old-fashioned grandfather by holding her ground. A film about courage and loneliness.
● Vigdis Nielsen ● 17’ ● Norway
The adventurous story about a young geek city boy Martin, who has to overcome himself and stay two weeks in the summer camp without his comfort and any technology. Here he will be challenged to help the forest creatures to save their forest of being destroyed by greedy developers.
● Petr Oukropec ● 80' ● Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany
When an unbearably adorable, eternally optimistic Quokka named Daisy wants to achieve the impossible – to win the ‘World’s Scariest Games’; she enlists the guidance of a washed-up former champion, a grouchy Saltwater Crocodile, to help her achieve her dreams and prove that true champions come in all sizes.
● Ricard Cusso ● 88’ ● Australia
Nicolas is a 10-year-old boy with Down Syndrome whose mom makes him a costume every year for his birthday to boost his imagination.
● Eduardo Rivero ● 82’ ● Mexico
A friendship forms between a never-aging 10-year-old vampire and an orphan schoolboy, but a moon headed monster throws obstacles in their paths.
● Joann Sfar ● 82’ ● France, Belgium
Following an unfortunate accident, a feisty little mouse and a shy young fox cub unwittingly find themselves in animal heaven. In this strange environment, they will have to put aside their natural instincts and work together to succeed on their journey through this new world.
● Denisa Grimmová, Jan Bubeníček ● 87' ● Czech Republic, France, Poland, Slovakia
Marguerite and Margot are both 12, with each their own family, friends, problems… ad era! One lives in 1942 and the other in 2020.
● Pierre Coré ● 89’ ● France
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