In the summer of 1988 dry lightning sparked a fire in the parched and drought ridden landscape of Yellowstone Park, igniting a blaze that would scorch over 1.5 million perimeter acres of the park.
● Jerry Van De Beek, Betsy de Fries ● 6’ ● USA
Size matters to a fiddler crab---claw size, that is. And it's a problem for Shelton. When a plastic bottle cap stands in for his worthless digging claw, Shelton believes he is about to become a god. But for a crab who hated being different and instead dreamt of being ‘just average', this kind of glory will come at a horrible cost.
● Marie Hyon, Marco Spier ● 5’ ● USA
The sea washes up a small castaway on the shore of a dreamy but deserted island.
● Edu Glez ● 8’ ● Spain
Green, an orangutan, leads us into her native forest of Borneo, when her daily life gets disrupted by an unexpected event.
● Arielle Cohen, Louis Florean, Theo Fratissier, Camille Poiriez, Eloïse Thibaut ● 4' ● France
Mika refuses to let her gender define her in one of the harshest places in the world: the playground.
● Jessica Grace Smith ● 14' ● New Zealand
A little Cambodian girl gets bullied by her richer classmates at school. One day her pet water buffalo, who brings her to school daily, has had enough from all the bullying and storms into the classroom. 
● Olivia Derie ● 4’ ● Belgium
Twenty-year-old Ulysse, impoverished and idle, encounters Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart when turning a corner. The Austrian composer could get Ulysse out of his tight spot in exchange for a dance.
● Ramzi Ben Silman ● 12' ● France
Mahalia, a timid 9-year-old black girl, feels different from the other girls in her ballet class.
● Emilie Mannering, Carmine Pierre-Dufour ● 12' ● Canada
Pauline and Noham loved each other madly. When Pauline's mother told her they moved to Paris, Pauline couldn't accept to loose Noham, and decide to stay in Paris. But Pauline is only ten...
● Laure Bourdon Zarader ● 13' ● France
When Cloe shows off her new Spiderman backpack people make fun of her. Why must there be things, occupations, clothes and even colors divided for males and females? Through Chloe's eyes, gender stereotypes really appear for what they are: “really very stupid”!
● Federico Micali ● 9' ● Italy
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