Little Akiko embarks on a quest inside a forest, to save the missing heart of a mysterious creature.
● Constantine Venetopoulos ● 9' ● Greece
Summer 2031, 104°. Saadia, 16, is oriented in mechanical school although the car industry is in crisis and there are only a few electric cars in circulation. Her friends, Charly and Titi, throw a joke to cheer her up: what if the car of the future was a horse? Against all odds, Saadia trades her scooter for a massive workhorse which she brings back to the heart of her housing project...
● Juliette Gilot ● 17΄ ● France
Due to global warming a young polar bear has to leave her home and moves to Zurich. Together with other animals she tries to make a living with casual jobs until she suddenly has an idea, that will change the world for ever.
● Noah Erni ● 3' ● Switzerland
An aeta boy chases his dream of going to school in order to learn how to read the legal documents given to their community, and to understand why they are being forced to give up their ancestral lands.
● Zig Dulay ● 20΄ ● Philippines
Little Boy Litter pedals and pilfers his way around the countryside in search of treasure among the trash that has been dumped in his locality.
● Jack McHugh,Conor McNally ● 6’ ● Ireland
Late for a meeting, a human opens a conference room door to find it leads to a deep forest. Various creatures – trees, insects and horses – sit in a circle, engaged in a vibrant discussion. The creatures nod to an empty chair and encourage the human to take a seat. It belonged to the human once, after all.
● Yo Kohatsu ● 7΄ ● Japan
Our planet is choking in garbage. That garbage is transforming into a live embodied force that is invading and upsetting the delicate balance of life on Earth. Bo the dog, a brave chemist, invents a magical solution which can overcome this dreadful monster. Risking his life, Bo sets out to save animals and birds, who in turn come to his rescue.
● Tatiana Skorlupkina ● 11’ ● Spain
In the middle of Atacama desert, Antay(12) sees his town disappearing due to the drought. Alongside his friends and their football team, they will try to hang on to the last sunrays, their childhood fragments and the ties with those who still resist.
● Katherina Harder Sacre ● 19’ ● Chile
In the summer of 1988 dry lightning sparked a fire in the parched and drought ridden landscape of Yellowstone Park, igniting a blaze that would scorch over 1.5 million perimeter acres of the park.
● Jerry Van De Beek, Betsy de Fries ● 6’ ● USA
Size matters to a fiddler crab---claw size, that is. And it's a problem for Shelton. When a plastic bottle cap stands in for his worthless digging claw, Shelton believes he is about to become a god. But for a crab who hated being different and instead dreamt of being ‘just average', this kind of glory will come at a horrible cost.
● Marie Hyon, Marco Spier ● 5’ ● USA
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