The sea washes up a small castaway on the shore of a dreamy but deserted island.
● Edu Glez ● 8’ ● Spain
Green, an orangutan, leads us into her native forest of Borneo, when her daily life gets disrupted by an unexpected event.
● Arielle Cohen, Louis Florean, Theo Fratissier, Camille Poiriez, Eloïse Thibaut ● 4' ● France
A drop of water comes to life and is left on her own to survive in the oppressive heat, she meets a plant creature that shelters and protects it from the sun. The situation of the protector and the protected will change when the creature will find herelf dehydrated and only the drop of water will be able to save her.
● Anjun Zou, Melodie Leger Rimbert, Yu Liu, Kevin Hamimi ● 6' ● France
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