Two siblings, one spell, wounded landscapes and an inevitable departure. "To Vancouver" is a short chronicle of a disappearing act in the times of the new Depression.
● Artemis Anastasiadou ● 24΄ ● Greece
It is a warm morning in September. A storm is on its way. Anna, 15, skips school to go to the hospital. There, she will confront an experience that will bring about a sudden maturity. Αt the end of the school day, her mother is waiting outside the school gates.
● Sofia Georgovassili ● 14’ ● Greece
Three different characters, caught in a frenetic everyday loop in pursuit of time. Never finding the right moment to eat, cross the street, or go to the toilet. Until time suddenly freezes. A short introspection inspired by pandemic lockdowns.
● Efi Pappa ● 6΄ ● Greece
During an aquarium school trip, two teenagers that go to the same school but come from different worlds discover that what brings them together is more powerful than what keeps them apart.
● Faidra Vokal ● 19’ ● Greece
Elli spends a lonely summer, feeling detached from the rest of the world, while her parents are breaking up. Her only company is her cat, Molly. When the cat runs off, she starts looking for the only source of affection she still had.
● Stella Serefoglou ● 14’ ● Greece
9th century. In a small coastal village, Olalla and her family prepare for the night of “The Truce”. There is only one rule: no lights should stay on tonight.
● Iago de Soto ● 13’ ● Spain
​​Marcos is a teenager who plays basketball. A dramatic event will jeopardize his passion.
● Marcos Gualda ● 9’ ● Spain
Katerina and Alkis live with Grandpa. Their parents have gone to Alaska to seek their fortune. When Grandpa falls and does not get up, things become difficult. Fortunately, there is always dancing.
● Michalis Giagkounidis ● 18’ ● Greece
Giovanni is a 6 year old boy, he is going to the park with his mom. He sits on a bench and starts playing with the doll, next to him there is a gentleman who does not seem to like what he is doing ...
● Marco di Gerlando, Ludovica Gibelli ● 5΄ ● Italy
A young boy travels to the depths of an entire city with only one ticket. Will he make it?
● Kevork Aslanyan ● 11’ ● Bulgaria
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