Selena (14) plays football as the only girl on a boys' team. Her teammates see her as one of the boys. When a new girl joins the team, the dynamic in the group begins to change. Selena does everything she can to protect her position within the group.
● Catherina Iosifidis ● 12’ ● the Netherlands
This Is Your Captain Speaking is a short fiction film about ten-year-old Asare. To prevent his music teacher Seydou from being sent out of the country, he tries to adopt him. Asare himself has been adopted and he can stay, then that will probably also apply to Seydou, right? 
● Idriss Nabil ● 24’ ● the Netherlands
Wild Housemates is based on an African tale «The Goat and the Tiger» and offers in a fun way a touching lesson on friendship and coexistence.
● Armelle Mercat-Junot ● 15’ ● France
A little rain boot wakes up on a river’s side. On her journey through the forest she would overcome any obstacles to find her way back home. On the road she faces many events that will make her grow.
● Theodore Janvier, Fanny Paoli, Emma Gach, Anabelle David, Julie Valentin, Claire Robert ● 7' ● France
A bird that keeps order in the sky accidentally drops a star during cleaning. And on the earth, children find her. 
● Anna Kuzina ● 3’ ● Russia
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